الاثنين، 5 أغسطس 2019

India Moves to Revoke Kashmir’s Special Status Amid Crackdown

India Moves to Revoke Kashmir’s Special Status Amid Crackdown
SRINAGAR, Kashmir — The Indian government said on Monday that it was removing the special status that has existed for decades in Kashmir, a disputed mountainous region along the India-Pakistan border.
Amit Shah, the home minister, made the announcement revoking Article 370 of the Constitution in the upper house of Parliament on Monday morning, as opposition lawmakers exploded in an uproar.
In anticipation of the announcement, which many analysts predicted could set off rioting and unrest, India had flooded Kashmir with thousands of extra troops. The Indian authorities also evacuated tourists, closed schools and cut off internet service.
For many years, Kashmir has been governed differently than other parts of India, and the government’s decision is widely seen as a blow to Kashmir’s autonomy. India’s governing Bharatiya Janata Party, known as the B.J.P., has deep roots in a Hindu nationalist ideology and one of its campaign promises during the election this year had been removing the special status of Kashmir, which is predominantly Muslim.


خلافاَ للإعتقاد السائد فإن لوريم إيبسوم ليس نصاَ عشوائياً، بل إن له جذور في الأدب اللاتيني الكلاسيكي منذ العام 45 قبل الميلاد، مما يجعله أكثر من 2000 عام في القدم. قام البروفيسور "ريتشارد ماك لينتوك"

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